About Us
eFixings is an independent company founded by a dedicated team with over 40 years experience in the industry.
We provide a range of high quality products at low prices to businesses, trade professionals and individuals within the UK mainland. We aim to provide the best possible service and to trade in a fair and friendly way.
If you wish to discuss your requirements or would like some advice please contact us on 0345 521 4321 (calls charged at local rates) or contact us online.
In most cases goods are available from stock, delivery being 2 - 3 working days. If you require faster delivery please contact us.
Goods are delivered between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
We are committed to providing safe and secure e-commerce. All transactions take place in a highly secure environment through WorldPay. Data transfer is encrypted to the maximum strength using 128 bit SSL.